
To strengthen subject provision through CPD and develop the strong, shared ethos of celebration and effort. To increase collaborative working and draw from the expertise of other schools.


Imberhorne is a caring and friendly school with strong emphasis on the importance of life-long learning for staff and students


Year 1

A skills audit was carried out and CPD was extended. This enabled staff to re-plan the A-Level course collaboratively which was motivating for staff and students. Weekly departmental meetings focused on staff CPD and the department hosted a West Sussex Art teaching meeting, bringing in work from around the county to share and mark in cross-school teams. Staff shared expertise in different disciplines such as clay, portrait painting, printing and analytical writing, which they have all benefitted from.

Year 2

CPD was extended to include Sixth Form students and other local Art departments. Feedback showed that staff now felt more confident with the new A-Level mark schemes for Art and Photography. Resources were significantly developed, including an Art handbook with exemplar work and online subject PowerPoints.

A day’s life-drawing workshop and an experimental workshop were organised and students reported enjoying them and learning from working with pupils in different year groups. Students were encouraged to attend after-school catch-up sessions, which helped develop the ethos of the department as a supportive and challenging environment for all. A Year 12 student won first prize in a local exhibition.

Year 3

Specialist skills were further developed within the department, and large amounts of resources were gained through collaboration with other schools. As part of a subject challenge week, students created artwork for a local doctors’ surgery with the theme of mental health. More experimental work was included at Key Stage 3 and a collaboration with another local school led to a large exhibition of A-Level and GCSE work across Fine Art, Textiles, Photography and Ceramics. The department agreed to help upskill staff at two local primary schools.


Departmental meetings have become more focused and enjoyable, and teachers have all developed skills and confidence in teaching a range of techniques with different media. Staff have discussed at length strategies on how to improve students’ skills. Collaborative working inspires and motivates, and the profile of the department has been raised in the community through various exhibitions. This has strengthened our strong ethos and pride in what our students have achieved and in what we do.


A happy team works hard and is more open to change and new ideas. A collaborative ethos enables us all to continue to develop our subject skills, alongside our pedagogical skills, and enjoy our teaching. Many of the department are part time, so getting all members together was a challenge.


Anne Hayden: [email protected]